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We pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging and to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities who have cared for this land and all that is part of it for countless generations. We recognise that sovereignty has never been ceded.

ANTaR Queensland is affiliated with the national and other state ANTaR organisations. We undertake advocacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ justice and rights, work to overturn structural violence, support community outreach and contribute to ‘paying the rent’.

New: Coming Events CalendarSee our new Good Reads pageDo a Sea of Hands installation!

For the latest news go to the ANTaR Qld FaceBook Page

SURVIVAL DAY activities are scheduled for many locations around Australia

See our Coming Events page for some of the Survival Day activities in the Greater Brisbane area.

For events around Australia, see the ANTAR National list HERE.

As ANTAR National states:

“For many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, 26 January is a reminder of the pain and suffering of their ancestors, the theft of their land, the enormous loss of life in the Frontier Wars and the intergenerational trauma that comes with that history.

Celebrating on this day ignores the historical atrocities committed against First Nations Peoples and obscures the many uncomfortable truths of our shared history. But it also overlooks the many ways in which colonisation is ongoing – the grave injustices of Black deaths in custody, ever-growing gaps in health outcomes and life expectancy, youth justice statistics, destruction of sacred sites and contemporary child removal that our systems and structures continue to permit and in some cases promote.

In recent years, awareness around the pain of 26 January is building. Many local councils—including City of Melbourne, Geelong, Yarra, Moreland, Darebin, City of Sydney and Sydney’s Inner West, Launceston and Flinders Island in Tasmania as well as Fremantle, WA – have cancelled and/or replaced their 26 January events, or voiced formal support for changing the date. These changes are welcomed.”

For more go to: Rethinking January 26

Truth-telling and healing Inquiry: First Report 25 October 2024 is now available

Click here to open the report

Petition from Queensland Citizens in Support of the Path to Treaty Act 2023
FNA is a Magandjin (Brisbane city) based group of ordinary people, First Nations (Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander) peoples, and non-Indigenous peoples, who formed at the time of the 2023 Referendum in Brisbane.For information and to sign the petition click:

For more information about some of the First Nations support and Community groups around Brisbane go to “Organisations

Coming Events
Check out our FaceBook Page for the latest News and Coming Events
Twitter Page

Sea of Hands

Find out more about ANTaR’s Sea of Hands and how you can sponsor an event.

Queensland Path to Treaty

Background and ANTaR’s submission on a Treaty …….

Indigenous Incarceration and Child Detention

Background and our submission to the enquiry ……

Community Engagement

… and community outreach

Let’s Chat

ANTaR helps facilitate respectful interactions between indigenous and non-indigenous people.

Resources & Links

Our Newsletters, Voice-Treaty-Truth, Queensland Treaty, Indigenous Incarceration and Child detention…

Follow ANTaR Qld